zarif al6ol
Palestinian Popular Songs
All occasions in the Palestinian life have their own songs. Weddings are the most popular times when people sing and dance on the tunes of the popular songs. Usually there are certain singers (Zajjaleen) who lead the singing and the audience repeats after them. However, one can find people singing popular songs while working in the land or the factory. As any other form of poetry, popular songs treat different aspects: love, patriotism, wisdom, and others. In addition, there are different forms of songs which differ in the tune and the way of singing as will be seen below. Most of the songs introduced in this section are men's songs in addition to the most popular women's song (Zaghareet). However, this does not mean that women do not contribute to the Palestinian folklore. Mr. Sa'ood Al-Asadi said, "The Palestinian folklore is a common excellence of women and men." There are several popular bands and singers (Zajjaleen) who are the main source of energy for the revival of our popular songs. To list some: El-Funoun (Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe) in Ramallah, Ghassan Kanafani's Band for Dabka in Bethlehem University, Jafra Band in Ramallah, and JuThoor (Roots) Band in Bir Zeit University. There are also Islamic Art bands who introduced the Islamic concepts to the popular songs .
Zareef eT-Tool
Zareef eT-Tool has a fair popularity and it is also used in dabka. Of course, the tune is differet from dal'ona
يا زريف الطول وقّف تاقلك ... رايح عالغربة و بلادك أحسنلك
خايف يا زريف تروح و تتملك .. و تعاشر الغير و تنساني أنا
ya zareef eT-Tool waqqif ta qullakraayiH 'al-ghorbeh wiblaadak aHsanlakkhaayif ya zareef itrooH o titmallakwit'aashir el-gheir o tinsaany anaa************
O, zareef eT-Tool* stop so I can tell youYou are going abroad and your country is better for youI am afraid you will get established thereAnd find someone else and forget me* One of an elegant height

Palestinian Popular Songs
All occasions in the Palestinian life have their own songs. Weddings are the most popular times when people sing and dance on the tunes of the popular songs. Usually there are certain singers (Zajjaleen) who lead the singing and the audience repeats after them. However, one can find people singing popular songs while working in the land or the factory. As any other form of poetry, popular songs treat different aspects: love, patriotism, wisdom, and others. In addition, there are different forms of songs which differ in the tune and the way of singing as will be seen below. Most of the songs introduced in this section are men's songs in addition to the most popular women's song (Zaghareet). However, this does not mean that women do not contribute to the Palestinian folklore. Mr. Sa'ood Al-Asadi said, "The Palestinian folklore is a common excellence of women and men." There are several popular bands and singers (Zajjaleen) who are the main source of energy for the revival of our popular songs. To list some: El-Funoun (Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe) in Ramallah, Ghassan Kanafani's Band for Dabka in Bethlehem University, Jafra Band in Ramallah, and JuThoor (Roots) Band in Bir Zeit University. There are also Islamic Art bands who introduced the Islamic concepts to the popular songs .
Zareef eT-Tool
Zareef eT-Tool has a fair popularity and it is also used in dabka. Of course, the tune is differet from dal'ona
يا زريف الطول وقّف تاقلك ... رايح عالغربة و بلادك أحسنلك
خايف يا زريف تروح و تتملك .. و تعاشر الغير و تنساني أنا
ya zareef eT-Tool waqqif ta qullakraayiH 'al-ghorbeh wiblaadak aHsanlakkhaayif ya zareef itrooH o titmallakwit'aashir el-gheir o tinsaany anaa************
O, zareef eT-Tool* stop so I can tell youYou are going abroad and your country is better for youI am afraid you will get established thereAnd find someone else and forget me* One of an elegant height

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